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Deploying the 3DBAG pipeline is complex due to its many components and dependencies. Local deployment involves compiling several dependencies from source, ensuring they are correctly linked, installing the 3DBAG pipeline code in virtual environments, configuring the Dagster instance, and optionally setting it up as a service. We have tested the local setup on Ubuntu 22.04, 24.04 only, and we don't have plans to explore any other operating systems or versions. The required Python versions for the 3dbag-pipeline code are 3.11 for the party_walls package and 3.12 for the other packages. Instead of the local deployment, we highly recommend using Docker for deploying the pipeline.


We provide a sample docker compose file for deploying the 3dbag-pipeline in a multi-container setup. You can read more about the docker-based deployment here.


In order to deploy the 3DBAG pipeline locally, as a service, you need to make sure that all the required tools are installed. We don't recommend doing this. However, the development setup and the dagster deployment guide can give you some hints on how to deploy the 3dbag-pipeline as a service.


The 3DBAG pipeline is a heavy process that requires a well configured PostgreSQL database. Some instructions for configuring your database can be found here in the following links:

Resource Consumption Write Ahead Log WAL Configuration

Indicatively, here are some specifications of our database setup:

shared_buffers = 24GB
max_parallel_workers = 24
max_connections = 150
effective_cache_size = 4GB
effective_io_concurrency = 100
maintenance_work_mem = 2GB