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The sample docker compose file (docker/compose.yaml) contains a multi-container setup for running the 3dbag-pipeline in a dockerized environment. The setup contains:

  • multiple dagster services (prefix dagster_),
  • one service for each workflow package (prefix bag3d_),
  • a database for pipeline generated data (prefix data_),
  • external, named volumes that store the data for the pipeline,
  • a network.

The tests that are run on GitHub Actions use this configuration.

Docker images

The docker images that are built from the develop branch and pushed to DockerHub with a develop tag.


The 3dbag-pipeline calls several tools in a subprocess, e.g. roofer, tyler, gdal, pdal etc. We maintain a builder image in docker/tools/Dockerfile with all of these tools installed, and use it as a base image for building the images of the workflow packages (core, floors_estimation, party_walls).

If you need to add a new tool to be used in the pipeline you can one of the following :

  1. If there is a image available for the tool you can make sure it is used when building the 3dbag-pipeline-tools image by making the necessary modifications in the docker/tools/Dockerfile (as it is done for example for tyler)
  2. If no image is available, you should update the and files which are used when building the 3dbag-pipeline-tools image. You should also modify the command in docker/tools/Dockerfile to ensure the new tools are installed.

After you test locally that the image can be build successfully you can merge to develop. Then a gh action will triggered and a new 3dbag-pipeline-tools image with today's date will be pushed to Dockerhub. Once that's done, you can update the tools image version in the workflow images and push those changes.


Contains the core package, based on 3dgi/3dbag-pipeline-tools. The image contains all build dependencies for installing the python project, so that it is possible to develop the code in a container. The Dockerfile is docker/pipeline/bag3d-core.dockerfile.


Contains the floors_estimation package, based on 3dgi/3dbag-pipeline-tools. The image contains all build dependencies for installing the python project, so that it is possible to develop the code in a container. The Dockerfile is docker/pipeline/bag3d-floors-estimation.dockerfile.


Contains the party_walls package, based on 3dgi/3dbag-pipeline-tools. The image contains all build dependencies for installing the python project, so that it is possible to develop the code in a container. The Dockerfile is docker/pipeline/bag3d-party-walls.dockerfile.


Image for running the dagster webserver and daemon. The Dockerfile is docker/dagster/Dockerfile.

How to run the services

To run the services in docker/compose.yaml, do the following steps.

Download the test data files.

make download

Create the docker volumes and copy the test data file into the volumes.

make docker_volume_create

Build the docker images and start the services.

make docker_up

To only start the postgres database with the test data, run:

make docker_up_postgres

Finally, remove the volumes, containers and images created in previous steps.

make docker_down_rm

Rebuild the images, volumes and restart the services.

make docker_restart