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Development guide

Thank you for considering to contribute to the 3dbag-pipeline. In this document we describe how can you get set up for developing the software locally, how to submit a contribution, what guidelines do we follow and what do we expect from your contribution, what can you expect from us.

Set up

After cloning the repository from, the recommended way to set up your environment is with docker.

For contributing to the documentation

The documentation is built with mkdocs and several plugins. First, install the documentation dependencies (into a virtual environment).

pip install -r requirements_docs.txt

Start the mkdocs server.

mkdocs serve

Verify that you can see the local documentation on in your browser.

For contributing to the code

Requirements: - make - docker engine - docker compose (>= 2.22.0)

We use make for managing many commands that we use in development.

Test data

Download test data.

export BAG3D_TEST_DATA=${PWD}/tests/test_data
make download

Create the docker volumes that store the test data.

make docker_volume_create

Docker setup

Start the docker containers with watch enabled. If you issue the command the first time, several things will happen:

  1. the required base images are pulled from DockerHub,
  2. the 3dbag-pipeline workflow images are built from the local source code,
  3. the containers are connected to the volumes and networks,
  4. the dagster-webserver is published on localhost:3003,
  5. docker compose will start watching changes in the source code on the host machine.
make docker_watch

The running containers contain all the tools that are required for a complete run of the 3dbag-pipeline. This means that you can develop and test any part of the code locally.

If you make a change in the source code in your code editor, the files are synced automatically into the running containers, so you can see your changes in effect after reloading the code location, job, asset or resource in the dagster UI on localhost:3003.

The docker documentation describes in detail how does the compose watch functionality work.

If you don't want to enable the code synchronization with watch, the make docker_up command starts the containers in normally.

The docker_watch, docker_up targets will set the docker compose project name to bag3d-dev.

Documenting the package

The APIs (eg. common) is documented with Google-style docstrings. In order to generate the API documentation for a package, the package must be installed. Solely for documentation purposes, this is best done with pip install --no-deps packages/<package>.