What is the 3DBAG?
The 3DBAG is an open data set, available via 3DBAG.nl, with detailed 3D models of BAG buildings in the Netherlands, which are derived unambiguously and reproducibly from the BAG and the AHN through documented algorithms. These “model results” are stored as individually recognizable records. In the system of basic registrations, we also know this form in the models for geology and soil from the basic registration underground.
In addition to the reconstruction algorithms and the reconstructed 3DBAG data for the whole of the Netherlands in various formats, different Levels of Detail, and different versions, the 3DBAG provision consists of the 3DBAG pipeline software with which 3DBAG can be reconstructed for the entire Netherlands, including pre- and post-processing; a viewer; a download service; web services (WFS/WMS, OGC API Features); hardware for processing, storing, and making 3DBAG available; and documentation/guidelines. All 3DBAG components are available as open data and open source software.
Experimental Phase 2021-2023
The 3DBAG originated from research projects at TU Delft, driven by the question of whether it would be possible to automatically generate detailed 3D building models for the entire Netherlands suitable for various applications. The goal was to stimulate the use of 3D geo-information in urban applications. The 3DBAG was quickly received positively by users from the business sector, government, and academia after its first publication (spring 2021), as the first dataset of its kind.
Encouraged by the initial success, new versions of the 3DBAG have been released since the first version in 2021 (approximately 3 per year), with improvements and enrichments based on user needs and available (research) funding, such as surface areas of wall and roof planes, volumes, distinction between exterior and interior walls, and number of floors. In this experimental phase, the 3DBAG provision, as described above, was an initiative of the 3D Geoinformation research group at TU Delft (TU3D). The main developers of the 3DBAG from this research group started their own company in 2022. Since 2022, the 3DBAG has been managed and further developed by a collaboration between the 3DGeoinformation Group and this company 3DGI.
The generated data is used by many organizations as base data. To give an idea: the 3DBAG tiles are downloaded 100,000 times per month, and the web services are queried 850,000 times per month. Additionally, the 3DBAG is distributed and used through many other channels, such as the growing number of digital twins at city and area levels. For these applications, it is important that 3DBAG remains open source and that its findability and usage are optimized.
Making the Software Robust
Due to the importance of the 3DBAG for the 3D Basic Provision Kadaster, the Kadaster has invested WaU funds in the open source software, bringing the quality of the software up to standard by the 3DBAG team and allowing it to be further developed according to the best practices of open source software. The various upgraded software components have been consolidated and are available through the 3DBAG GitHub organization.
3DBAG and 3D Basic Provision Kadaster
The upgrade of the 3DBAG software now also makes it possible for the Kadaster to choose the principle that stable versions of the 3DBAG will be included within the Building Database of the 3D Basic Provision of the Kadaster and that exactly the same 3D building models - that is, reconstructed with the same version of the software based on the same source data - will be reconstructed in one place.
Scaling Phase 2024, start of the 3DBAG innovation platform
The 3DBAG has moved beyond the experimental phase. To ensure the continuity of the 3DBAG and to ensure that 3DBAG remains a reliable data and software source (also necessary for future-proof inclusion in the 3D Basic Provision), several interested public organizations have supported a virtual collaboration under the name 3DBAG innovation platform. The participating organizations in this collaboration are Kadaster, RIVM, RVO, the Waterschapshuis, the municipalities of Amsterdam and Utrecht. Geonovum facilitates and coordinates this collaboration. This collaboration focuses on the following 3 goals:
securing the continuity of the current 3DBAG provision in the short term, including the essential management of the software
continuing innovations in the 3DBAG provision based on demand
jointly taking initiatives that should lead to a sustainable anchoring of the 3DBAG in the Zicht op Nederland data foundation.
The aforementioned participants in the 3DBAG innovation platform have committed to a financial agreement for 2024 and the ambition to work together towards a better-anchored financial solution.