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Command-line tool


Test data storage system for geospatial data


geodepot [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>


geodepot add: Add or update a case or a data item.

geodepot config: Query or set Geodepot configuration values.

geodepot fetch: Compare the local repository against a remote.

geodepot get: Return the full local path to the specified data item of the specified case.

geodepot init: Initialise a Geodepot repository in the current directory.

geodepot list: List the cases and data items in the repository.

geodepot pull: Download any changes from a remote repository and overwrite the local version.

geodepot push: Upload any local changes to a remote repository and overwrite the remote version.

geodepot remote: Connect an existing remote Geodepot repository.

geodepot remove: Delete a case or a data entry from the repository.

geodepot show: Show the details of the specified case or data.



geodepot add [-y] [--license=<text>] [--description=<text>] [--format=<format>] [--as-data] [<pathspec>...] <casespec>


Add or update a case or a data item. In each operation, the case will be created if it does not exist. In each operation, existing values, data files are updated with the newly provided.


<casespec>: Case (and data) specifier, in the form of case-name[/data-name]. Providing the case name case-name is mandatory, the data name data-name within the case is optional. The rest of the options will affect the specified level, either the whole case with case-name, or just a single data within the case with case-name/data-name. For example, wippolder/wippolder.gpkg, where wippolder is the case name, wippolder.gpkg is the data name.

<pathspec>: Path specifier for the data files to add to the case. Can be a path to a single file, a directory or a fileglob (e.g. *.gpkg). Can be passed multiple times. Only local files are supported.

-y: Do not require confirmation for updating existing values or files.

--license=<text>: A license to add to the data.

--description=<text>: A description to add to the case or data.

--format=<format>: A format to force on the data in case it cannot be inferred automatically, or the inferred format is not correct. If the a whole directory is added as a single data entry with --as-data, the automatic format inference doesn't work, and it may be necessary to force a format. Note that when the format is forced, the bounding box calculation and hashing does not work.

--as-data: Add a whole directory as a single data entry. The default behaviour is to add each file in the directory as a separate data entry. If --as-data is set, the bounding box and file hash cannot be computed for the data.


Add multiple files as data entries to a case. If the case does not exist, it will be created as case-name and the file file-name is moved into it.

geodepot add /path/to/file-name1 /path/to/file-name2 case-name

Update the license and description of a data entry (file-name) in a case (case-name).

geodepot add --description "long description\nmultiline" --license "CC-0" case-name/file-name1

Update the description of a case (case-name)

geodepot add --description "new description of the case" case-name



geodepot fetch <name>


Compare the local repository against the remote <name>. The differences are printed to the console.



geodepot config list
geodepot config get [--global] <name>
geodepot config set [--global] <name> <value>


Query or set Geodepot configuration values. The name is actually the section and the key separated by a dot, and the value will be escaped.


--global: For writing options: write to the global ~/.geodepotconfig file rather than the repository .geodepot/config.

For reading options: read only from the global ~/.geodepotconfig file rather than the repository .geodepot/config.


geodepot config add --global "Kovács János"
geodepot config add --global

config list

List all variables set in the config files, along with their values.

config get

Emits the value of the specified key. If key is present multiple times in the configuration, emits the last value.

config set

Set the value for one configuration option.



geodepot get <casespec>


Return the full local path to the specified data item of the specified case. If the data item does not exist locally and a remote repository is configured, the data will be downloaded from the remote.


<casespec>: Case (and data) specifier, in the form of case-name/data-name. For example, wippolder/wippolder.gpkg, where wippolder is the case name, wippolder.gpkg is the data name.


Get the full local path to the data item wippolder/wippolder.gpkg.

geodepot get wippolder/wippolder.gpkg



geodepot init [url]


Initialise a Geodepot repository in the current directory.


Without arguments, initialise an empty local repository in the current directory.

With a URL to a remote repository as an argument, geodepot init <url>, download the remote repository except its data files, to make it available locally. The data needs to be pull-ed explicitly after the repository has been initialised.



geodepot list


List the cases and data items in the repository.



geodepot pull [--yes] <name>


Download any changes from the remote repository <name>, overwriting the local version. Geodepot lists the differences between the local and remote, by calling geodepot fetch internally and asks for confirmation before overwriting the local.


--yes / -y: Automatically overwrite the local without asking for confirmation.



geodepot push [--yes] <name>


Upload any local changes to the remote repository <name>, overwriting the remote version. Geodepot lists the differences between the local and remote, by calling geodepot fetch internally and asks for confirmation before overwriting the remote.


--yes / -y: Automatically overwrite the remote without asking for confirmation.



geodepot remote list
geodepot remote add <name> <url>
geodepot remote remove <name>


Connect an existing remote Geodepot repository.


geodepot remote add origin

remote list

List the available remote repositories.

remote add

Add a remote repository to track. The remote repository must exist.

remote remove

Remove the remote from the tracked remotes. The remote repository is not deleted.



geodepot remove [-y] [<casespec>...]


Delete a case or a data entry from the repository.


<casespec>: Case (and data) specifier, in the form of case-name[/data-name]. Can be specified multiple times. Providing the case name case-name is mandatory, the data name data-name within the case is optional. The rest of the options will affect the specified level, either the whole case with case-name, or just a single data within the case with case-name/data-name. For example, wippolder/wippolder.gpkg, where wippolder is the case name, wippolder.gpkg is the data name.

-y: Do not require confirmation for deleting the entries.



geodepot show <casespec>


Show the details of the specified case or data.